User-agent: * Disallow: /test-page Disallow: /content/trex/language-masters/ Disallow: /developer-playground/ Disallow: /umbraco Disallow: /App_Browsers/ Disallow: /App_Code/ Disallow: /App_Data/ Disallow: /App_Plugins/ Disallow: /App_Start/ Disallow: /bin/ Disallow: /Configs/ Disallow: /trex/idcplg # 2013-11-25 -- This will not crawl any URL's containing idcplg? which are UCM calls Disallow: /engage/ # 2016-04-11 -- This will not crawl the engage folder that contains 2 landing pages that are not a part of the crawled site Disallow: /search/?query= #2016-05-02 -- this will exclude search results pages Disallow: /*/search/?query= #2016-05-02 -- this will exclude search results pages Disallow: /static/ Disallow: /*?p=* # 2020-08-19 -- Prevent crawling Deck Starter parameters. Disallow: /*?imageIndex=* # 2020-08-19 -- Prevent crawling gallery parameters. Disallow: /*?start=* # 2020-08-19 -- Prevent crawling News and Press parameters. Disallow: /*?project_query= Disallow: /*product= Disallow: /academy/get-started/inspiration* # The sitemap must be an absolute URL sitemap: sitemap: sitemap: sitemap: